Membership Fee |
$5.00 |
Meter Reading Fee |
$30.00 |
Collection Charge |
$50.00 |
Bad Payment Charge |
$25.00 |
Security Light Install |
$75.00 |
Reconnect Fee |
$50.00 |
Disconnect Fee |
$25.00 |
Reconnect & Disconnect (same day) |
$60.00 |
Normal Time Outage Fee |
$50.00 |
Over Time Outage Fee |
$300.00 |
Over Time Reconnect Fee |
$300.00 |
Meter Test Fee |
$50.00 |
Engineer Trip Fee |
$50.00 |
Consumer Deposit |
$50.00/$100.00 |
Non-Pay Consumer Deposit |
$150.00 |
Security Light (100 watt) |
$12.60/month |
Warren Electric Cooperative relies on self-reported meter readings. The readings can be put on the stub of the monthly bill, called into the office or submitted electronically. The meter can be read anytime after the bill is received but must be in the office no later than the 20th of the month. If you do not furnish a meter reading for three consecutive months, the Cooperative will read your meter and bill you a $30.00 meter reading fee.
Estimated bills will be based on an average of the last 12 months. In the event that there is no past history, the minimum estimated bill will be $90.00.
The bills are sent around the 28th of the month and are due on or before the 15th of the following month. If the bills are paid after the 15th of the month, the gross bill will be due.
A $100.00 consumer deposit will be collected from all new members. If a member can obtain a good credit reference from a prior electric utility or from the Equifax service the deposit may be waived or reduced. Any member who has been disconnected for non-payment will be required to carry a $150.00 consumer deposit. Deposits will be applied against the final bill and any left over amount will be refunded.
Bills that remain unpaid are sent one delinquent notice around the 20th of the month.
An extension may be granted for a reasonable period of time to help the member with the payment of the electric bill. The member must call the office with specific dates and amounts and make definite payment arrangement. More information about payment extensions can be found here.
Bills that remain unpaid five days after the date of the delinquent notice are subject to collection or disconnection without any further notice. A $50.00 collection fee will be added to the bill. If the electric is disconnected, a $50.00 reconnect fee and non-pay security deposit of $150.00 will be required in addition to all past due amounts. Payments will be required to be in Cash or Money Order - no Checks will be accepted.